Organizations and Ministry Partners

The hand needs the arm, and both need the eyes to see.

Scripture is clear that we need each other as respective members of the Body of Christ. Relying on or joining with others shouldn’t be a last resort, but a first step toward understanding our unified goal to make disciples and help usher in God’s kingdom. Check out the organizations and ministry partners below that can provide personal and ministerial edification. Jeff has directly worked with the top three, but has used resources or interviewed people from the rest of them. Click the logos to head to their respective websites.

National Network of Youth Ministries

NNYM serves to connect youth pastors across the country into local networks to provide encouragement, camaraderie, and soul care to avoid burnout. Head to the website to get more info and find your local coordinator.

Youth Specialties

Whether you’re looking for resources, a job bank, training, events, books, or blog posts with practical ministry application…YS has you covered.

Lifeway Students & Youth Ministry Booster

Resources, books and blog posts along with the YMB podcast hosted by Zac Workun and Chad Higgins. Oh, and they have a fantastic leadership cohort program. There’s a lot of great stuff here.

Don’t see your organization or ministry partner listed? Ask Jeff to add it to the list.